It has been a week since the conditional MCO has been declared, with more businesses resuming their usual operations and society slowly venturing back into the normalcy of their daily lives prior to the deadly outbreak of COVID-19.
The recent statistics have shown slight improvements overall, with the new reported cases falling from triple-digits to double-digits and deaths remained low as well.
On May 10, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that the current CMCO will be extended once again, this time for four consecutive weeks, as social distancing by the public along with intensive approach in detecting by the health authorities are key to keep the disease at bay.
Director-general of Ministry of Health, Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, welcomed the decision and explained that this move may increase the effectiveness of curbing the outbreak in the long run.
"Ministry of Health will intensify efforts to reduce positive COVID-19 cases in Malaysia through active case detection and a targeted approach - that is detection, screening and testing of high-risk target groups."
While the MCO is more lenient following the declaration by the Prime Minister, the public is still advised to avoid unnecessary travels and social gatherings and activities. Several businesses and sectors are also not allowed to operate for the time being, such as nightclubs and beauty salons. Interstate travels for this upcoming Raya holidays will not be allowed as well.

The General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM) strongly urges all individual policyholders and business owners to review their current personal property insurances such as fire, home and business interruption insurance coverage as the nation continues to be affected by this MCO period.
A basic fire policy will only provide protection for the damages and losses from the building or contents arising from fire, lightning and explosion. Many policyholders are unaware of the special perils that may be included into their policies such as coverage from landslides, storm and tempest, flood and so on.
"PIAM advises consumers and business owners to contact their respective insurers and insurance agents or brokers for any assistance/clarifications on their property insurance policies." the association stated.
To all of our valued customers, we hope that you are remaining safe & healthy.
Our main office is currently still closed for walk-ins and the team will be on a work-from-home basis until further notice. All staff will be reachable through their hand-phones and emails during working hours as per normal.
Thank you for your kind understanding and we will continue to provide our best service to you during this time.
For any further questions, kindly call our hotline or email us at info@cstgroup.com.my.